Imali Ngusale
Imali Ngusale is a revolutionary thinker and an astounding communications and advocacy professional with over 11 years of experience in budget advocacy, health research and development and international relations and governance. She currently works as the International Advocacy Officer at DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung) supporting policy advocacy in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Imali is also the EU liaison personnel in the east African region supporting European Union collaboration through Delegations in East Africa, the African Union and DSW European Union office in Brussels. She is passionate about transformational leadership, youth empowerment, gender equality and equity in the immunization of the COVAX vaccine. Before joining DSW, Imali worked for the Government of Kenya, the United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs among other international agencies. She has a wealth of knowledge in Global Health Research and Development for Poverty Related and Neglected Diseases (PRNDs), policy analysis, communication for change, and innovation advocacy exhibited through still art, poetry, and animation film.