Lydia Saloucou
Lydia Saloucou is Pathfinder International’s country director in Burkina Faso. She has nearly 20 years public health experience in reproductive and maternal health and organizational management in Africa. She joined Pathfinder in Burkina Faso in 2015. In her early career, she expanded her field experience in sociological research, focusing on the needs of married adolescents and evaluation of how gender issues intersect with family planning and reproductive health. She studied the management of local NGOs in West Africa and gained important experience in building organizational capacity of reproductive health NGOs in Burkina Faso and other countries. She then transitioned into managing Population Council’s office in Ouagadougou and heading its operations research and development agenda. After eight years, Lydia joined the HIV and AIDS Alliance’s Private Community Initiative, where she organized local organizations in Burkina Faso to liaise and advocate with the Burkinabe Government to integrate family planning activities into the country’s HIV and AIDS program. Lydia then took her talents to the international stage, moving to Kenya to become team leader for the International Planned Parenthood Federation in West and Central Africa. She has a post-Master in education and development, specializing in gender studies and NGO management, with degrees from University of Lille in France and the University of Ouagadougou. She speaks French and English.
Tuesday, 9 March 2021 Day 2
Town Hall: Women’s leadership in health
Hosted by Amref Health Africa
Despite their critical role in Africa’s health and development, women remain significantly underrepresented in leadership roles across the continent. While women make up 70% of the world’s health workforce, only 25% are represented in senior leadership positions. This session will adapt a gender lens to look at leadership in Africa and will examine how more women can claim seats at the decision making table. The session will tackle gender inequality and create a platform for exchanges on strengthening women's leadership and igniting action across sectors to address discriminatory norms and practices.
This Town Hall will be an informal, moderated Q&A session featuring renowned female leaders in the health space. The moderator will take questions from conference participants, submitted through the virtual platform’s interactive chat. The AHAIC Town Hall series is intended to give participants the opportunity to engage with a high-level speaker on their career, professional journey, and areas of expertise and interest.