Nathaniel Otoo
Senior Fellow, Results for Development
3:15pm – 4:15pm EAT
Tuesday, 9 March 2021 Day 2
Strategic Health Purchasing: Changing the Conversation
Hosted by the Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Centre (SPARC)
(2.5 hours | 3:15pm - 5:20pm EAT)
Two years after the SPARC launch, what has changed in the landscape of strategic health purchasing (SHP) on the continent? This session will unpack the gaps/challenges experienced by countries and SPARC’s efforts to generate evidence and develop the expertise at bridging these gaps. The session will include:
- A spoken word performance to introduce the session
- An introductory presentation focusing on the functional capacities needed to drive progress on strategic purchasing
- Presentation findings of a mapping exercise undertaken in 10 sub-Saharan African countries through the SPARC Technical Partners (TPs) Consortium
- A fireside chat with key policymakers to provide framing on progress and challenges affecting the institutionalization of SHP
- A moderated Q&A session – featuring policymakers and technical experts – open to all participants
- Conclude the session and reflect on key messages