William Dekker
William Dekker is the 2019 Winner of the Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK) Young PR Professional of the Year. He is an all-round communicator with considerable experience in designing and implementing Public Relations and communication strategies for intergovernmental organizations, government ministries, state departments and agencies, multinationals, not-for-profits, and for-profits. William is passionate about health communication, and the engagement of young people as drivers of action towards the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
Tuesday, 9 March 2021 Day 2
Zero Malaria Starts with Me - Draw the Line Against Malaria
Hosted by Malaria No More UK
Draw the Line Against Malaria campaign is a new youth chapter of the pan-African Zero Malaria Starts With Me campaign that calls on young people across Africa to unite and fight malaria by driving more action, more innovation, more funding and more leadership to end this disease within a generation and save lives.
This session will discuss at length the role young people can play in the fight against malaria in Africa while also looking at the global progress on malaria, African governments commitments on malaria and finally dissemination of the Draw The Line Against Malaria campaign.
Insufficient investment in the health sector or in actions to tackle the environmental and social determinants of health is a serious obstacle to improving health outcomes in Africa, particularly considering that the continent bears the bulk of the global morbidity and mortality burden of priority diseases like Malaria. We acknowledge that active engagement of the youth in Africa towards the fight against malaria is now even more important at a time when Africa’s attention and effort is drawn towards achieving UHC.