Sarbani Bhattacharya
Global business manager with a successful career including Unilever, KPMG and currently ASML where she contributed significantly in sales and international business development, operations and finance transformation. Sarbani has advised the Government and corporates on investments and has done extensive work on financial innovations including impact investment and outcome based development projects. She was very closely involved in the Netherlands cross-border business corridor and continues to contribute to society through voluntary non-executive roles as
1. Chair of CARE Netherlands, member of CARE International Council Governance and Nomination Committee;
2. Chair of Finish Mondial Supervisory Board ; a consortium of Stichting Waste and Amref Flying Doctors
3. Board member,Treasurer, Tropenbos International Supervisory Board.
She will explore what climate change adaptation and mitigation could be triggered by safe and sustainable sanitation; present the preventive health aspects of sanitation, its influence on gender parity, financial inclusion and the role of youth in contributing to the circular economy and how this could influence the global response to the climate crisis.