Hon. Mutahi Kagwe, EGH
Former member of the Senate of the Republic of Kenya, as first Senator to represent the County of Nyeri. Previously served as Cabinet Minister for Information and Communications, and Member of Parliament for Mukurweini Constituency. Worked to develop, craft and pass legislative actions, bills and amendments that advanced the interests of the Kenyan people. Pioneered the laying of innovative technologies such as The East African Marine System (T.E.A.M.S) – The Fibre Optic Project for Eastern Africa that has transformed the information and telecommunications industry in Kenya and was Minister at the launch of the first global mobile money system - the now famous Mpesa. Previously served as the Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Information and Technology, Member Senate Standing Committee on Education and Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Commerce and Budget. Other past positions also include Committee Member, The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Member, the parliamentarian network of the World Bank and Chair, The Finance, Trade, Tourism and Planning Parliamentary Committee.
Monday, 8 March 2021 Day 1
Fireside Chat: Politics for Good - Leading the UHC Agenda with Conviction
The fireside chat will be an informal discussion between African Ministers of Health, who have stood tall in the face of adversity and set out on paths that few others would have the courage to take. It will feature inspirational leaders in conversation, providing a platform to share experiences and learnings of advancing the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) agenda, inspire participants, and set the scene for the plenaries and sessions to follow.