Mary Ampomah
Mary Akua Ampomah is a Clinical Psychologist at the Ghana Institute of Clinical Genetics where the adolescent and adult SCD clinic is located. She has had the opportunity to be a part-time lecturer at the Department of Psychology of the University of Ghana, Legon and currently teaching at the Regent University of Science and Technology. She is pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University of Ghana, Legon. Mary is particularly interested in the psychological wellbeing and quality of life of SCD patients. She is also interested in the neuropsychology of SCD patients in Ghana. She is currently collaborating with Sickle Cell Foundation Ghana on their GENECIS tour which aims at implementing a culturally sensitive and evidence-based SCD counselling in Ghana. Ms. Mary Akua Ampomah is a Board Member, has been appointed interim Acting President and CEO. Ms. Ampomah is the 1st CEO/President of GASCDO to come from the African Continent.