Abdulaziz Mohammed
Dr Abdulaziz Mohammed is the Head of Division, Disease control and Prevention, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, African Union commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the co-chair for the Infection Prevention and Control Technical Working Group for Africa CDC continental response to COVID-19. He leads the Country Engagement work stream of Africa CDC Saving Life and Livelihood program for delivery of COVID-19 across the continent. He is a medical doctor and has a Master in Public Health. He is a fellow of the West African College of Physician and rose to the position of Chief Consultant Physician before Joining Africa CDC. He is a fellow of the Chatham house Africa Leadership program in public Health. Before his current appointment, he previously served as the Principal Medical Epidemiologist in Africa CDC where he was the program coordinator for Africa CDC first regional initiate to strengthen public Health in Africa. Dr Mohammed has over 40 publications in peer review journals like the Lancet, Nature Review immunology, American Journal of Psychiatry and BMJ Global Health.