Maureen Kimani
Dr. Maureen Kimani has over 10 years experience as a Health Systems Specialist with special interest in Community Health Systems. She is currently the Head, Division of Community Health at the Ministry of Health, Kenya. In the Division, she has led the development and launch of the country's first Community Health policy, the 3rd Community health strategy, various guidelines and standards, and is currently overseeing the development of national digital tools for community health workers - the electronic community health information systems (e-CHIS). She provides leadership in the coordination of community health partners to harmonize resource mobilization efforts. She played a strategic role in the Kenya's COVID-19 response where she was mandated to lead the community engagement workstream. This workstream coordinated the counties and partners across the country to rapidly sensitize communities on the pandemic and entrench local response efforts as well as build community resilience that is required to avert and respond to future health threats. She also coordinated the continuity of community health services during the height of the pandemic and ensured that community health workers were facilitated to deliver much-needed essential health services to their communities during the lockdowns.