Dr. Ladi Hameed
A health care physician who has worked extensively in both the public and private health care systems in Nigeria, Dr. Hameed's areas of interest are health systems strengthening and capability development for workers in the health care sector. Before becoming the General Manager for Roche in Nigeria, Dr Hameed was the head of Medical Affairs for Roche in sub-Saharan Africa where he worked with stakeholders across the region on policy development and improving patient journeys in different disease areas.
Monday, 8 March 2021 Day 1
Plenary 1: Leadership for Change: Africa's Journey to UHC
COVID-19 is an acute reminder of what is at stake if we don’t achieve UHC. Africa is at a crucial juncture where the region is grappling with inadequate health systems and insufficient funds for health care to cater to its population’s needs. Adding to this is the impact of a crippling pandemic that has presented the region with the combined challenges of social and economic recovery and highlighted the urgent leadership needed to solve the continent’s most complex health challenges. This session will bring together health leaders from across the continent for thought-provoking discussions on how they see themselves shaping the UHC agenda in Africa over the next decade. This session will celebrate examples of strong leadership driving Africa’s health agenda forward; amplify the need for strong policies and investment in lateral programs, like UHC, in addition to vertical programs; and discuss opportunities that governments and partners can leverage to increase investments toward UHC efforts.