Rachel Onamusi
Rachel Onamusi is the founder of VN Sync, a full-service digital agency with expertise in all aspects of digital media, with special focus on strategy development, implementation and facilitation. Her projects have ranged from marketing consulting, market research, corporate & personal brand management, product & campaign launch, political campaign media and PR, publicity strategy development and management, to technology training and certification platforms’ management. An accomplished digital media strategist and growth facilitator for major corporate global brands, Ms. Onamusi’s extensive experience has a global reach and covers both the private and public sectors. Having served clients in USA, Europe and Africa, Rachel’s passion remains supporting and driving efforts that create a lasting impact in education, health, and sustainable development. Ms. Onamusi is a graduate in Psychology from Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Wednesday, 9 March 2021 Day 3
Effective Communication to Combat Health Misinformation
Hosted by Amref Health Africa
With the rapid growth of mobile technology use in Africa, as well as the rise of social media, information can spread faster than ever before. While there have been many benefits to increased mobile access and digital communication, there are also downfalls. For example, in our increasingly interconnected world, the COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by misinformation and rumors about the disease – including its origin, transmission, prevention, symptoms and spread. Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 misinformation has quickly moved through communities in Africa and around the world. This session will discuss the need to combat health skepticism and misinformation with compelling, evidence-based information; highlight challenges as well as effective strategies to address misinformation; and reinforce the importance of targeted communications to raise awareness on key health issues.