Daryl Burnaby
Daryl joined GSK in 1999 after completing his degree in Natural Sciences at Cambridge University and PhD at the University of Southampton. After completing 3 years on the graduate management programme, he spent a further 9 years working across the R&D, commercial and corporate functions before joining the Global Health team. In this team, Daryl is responsible for programmes aimed at strengthening health systems in LMICs through partnerships between GSK, INGOs and country governments. GSK recognises the importance of strong health systems both as a human right and social good, but also as essential for access for essential medicines and vaccines. Between 2011 and 2021, GSK invested over £50m training over 100,000 health workers and reaching 17 million beneficiaries across 43 countries, in partnership with Amref Health Africa, Save the Children and CARE International. More recently, GSK has partnered with Amref Health Africa to improve diagnosis, referral and treatment for malaria, TB and HIV, as well as leveraging the role of technology to improve the quality of training and reporting for health workers.