Aika Matemu
Partner, Dalberg Design
Aika is a Partner at Dalberg Design in Nairobi, leading the design team in Africa. She brings over 15 years’ experience in user experience design, digital technologies, global public health and social entrepreneurism, with extensive experience in social impact and innovation. She is an experienced creative facilitator, designer and organizational learning researcher whose work is deeply grounded and informed by Pan-African thought and human centered design practice. Her design and facilitation career is grounded on applying community-based approaches to problem solving and covering topics such as youth involvement in employment to education, inclusive design for women in health, sexual and reproductive health and decolonization of research. Her creative facilitation methodology embodies a participatory approach to generating convergence and divergence of insights and perspectives in group discussions. She has conducted qualitative and participatory research and facilitated various workshops, curriculum and learning spaces across the Africa region notably: Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Mali, Togo and Madagascar. Aika has worked with a broad set of partners including Master Card Foundation, Amref, WHO, BMGF and Wellcome Trust. Aika has a Bachelor of Science in Computational Biochemistry, a post graduate certificate in Health Informatics and is an Acumen 2015 East Africa Fellow.